Do You Have Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is also known as gum disease and occurs when the gums are infected. It is crucial to seek treatment right away if you develop signs of gum disease. Left untreated, it can lead to receding gums, tooth loss, and other issues. At Elite Dentistry in Addison, our dentist, Dr. Mohamed Waheed, can develop a treatment plan to restore the health of your gums.

Causes of Periodontal Disease

The primary cause of periodontal disease is bacteria. Lingering bacteria on teeth can lead to the formation of plaque. When plaque builds up and hardens, tartar develops. Tartar buildup cannot be removed through regular brushing. The best way to clean tartar off teeth is through regular professional dental cleanings. Over time, the bacteria in both plaque and tartar can infect and inflame the gums and lead to the development of periodontal disease.

Signs of Periodontal Disease

There are several signs that you might have periodontal disease. If you have any of the signs associated with gum disease, it is important to see a dentist for a formal diagnosis so treatment can begin right away. Treatment can stop periodontal disease from spreading and leading to additional oral health concerns. Treatment is also important for restoring gum health. Signs of periodontal disease include:

  • Swollen, red, or tender gums
  • Gums bleed when brushing
  • Pain when chewing food
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth

Treatments for Periodontal Disease

Several options are available for treating periodontal disease. At our dental office in Addison, our dentist can recommend specific treatment methods for you. Our dental team can also provide suggestions for improving your oral hygiene routine at home to promote healthier gums. Some methods for treating periodontal disease include:

  • Additional professional dental cleanings
  • Scaling and root planing deep cleanings
  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Gum surgery

If you think you might have periodontal disease, schedule an appointment with the dentist at our office in Addison. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Waheed, call Elite Dentistry at (630) 279-3333.

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