Reasons You'd Need a Tooth Extracted

Sometimes having a tooth removed is the best option for preserving your oral health.

Nothing is more important than practicing good oral hygiene and visiting a dentist regularly for care to preserve your natural smile. Of course, there are situations in which our Addison, IL, dentist Dr. Mohamed Waheed will recommend oral surgery to have one or more teeth extracted. Wondering whether your smile could benefit from a tooth extraction? It could be if,

You have a severely damaged tooth

While many cracked or fractured teeth can be treated by simply buffing away the damaged parts of the tooth and placing a dental crown if the crack has spread below the gum line or the damage has rendered the natural tooth too weak, then the best option may be to remove the tooth and then replace it with a dental implant or bridge.

You have impacted wisdom teeth

This is probably the most common reason that someone will need to have an extraction. Wisdom teeth are molars that don’t typically come in until your teens or early 20s. Unfortunately, our jaws usually don’t have enough room for these teeth to erupt properly. This results in impacted wisdom teeth, which means that teeth do not fully erupt through the gums.

Wisdom teeth can also come in crooked and damage other teeth or increase the risk for decay or infection. Our Addison, IL, dental team can run X-rays to monitor how your wisdom teeth are developing and to determine whether you will need oral surgery.

You have serious crowding

If you have crowded teeth, as many people often do, then you could definitely benefit from braces to correct this issue; however, if you are dealing with severe crowding then Dr. Waheed may recommend pulling one or two teeth first to make room for your teeth to more effectively shift into place with braces.

You have a lot of decay

If you are coming in every six months for dental cleanings and checkups then we can easily catch decay early and treat it by removing the decayed enamel and filling the tooth; however, if you don’t see a dentist regularly, decay has the ability to infect the inside of the tooth and spread to the roots and surrounding teeth and bone. When the damage is irreparable, the best option is to remove and replace the tooth.

If you need to undergo oral surgery, you want a dentist here in Addison, IL, that can provide you with expert dental treatment and care every step of the way. To discuss your treatment options with us, call Elite Dentistry at (630) 592-8116.

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