How Dental Crowns Help Strengthen Teeth

Dental crowns from your dentist in Addison, IL, can give you a strong, beautiful smile.

Did you know dental crowns can improve your smile? It’s true! Dental crowns can make your smile stronger by strengthening your teeth. A crown covers the entire visible surface of your tooth, just like a suit-of-armor. A crown protects your tooth from biting and chewing stress or pressure. Dr. Mohamed Waheed of Elite Dentistry in Addison, IL, offers comprehensive dental care including dental crowns to give you a strong, beautiful smile.

A dental crown works differently than a filling. A large metal filling can weaken your tooth by dividing it into sections. When you bite down on a large metal filling, the force can cause your tooth to break, and you can lose vital tooth structure. A dental crown distributes chewing pressure evenly across the entire surface of your tooth, protecting the tooth from damage.

There are many reasons why you should consider dental crowns. Dental crowns provide:

  • A beautiful, natural-looking restorative treatment
  •  A long-lasting tooth replacement, often lasting far longer than dental fillings
  • Stain-resistance, if your crown is porcelain
  • Improved chewing ability, which helps your digestion and your health overall

One of the most common crown materials is porcelain, which is beautiful and closely resembles natural tooth enamel. In fact, when a porcelain crown is placed, it is virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. A full porcelain crown is an excellent choice for front teeth and teeth that are highly visible when you smile.

For back teeth, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns are often recommended because they combine the beauty of porcelain with the strength of a metal underlay. The metal foundation provides excellent strength for chewing.

Dental crowns can strengthen your smile and make it more beautiful. To find out more about what dental crowns can do for your smile, call Dr. Waheed of Elite Dentistry in Addison, IL, at (630) 592-8116 now!

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